Multivariate Analysis of Correlates of Under Five Children Malnutrition in Tigray Region, Ethiopia
Berhanu Teshome Woldeamanuel,
Tigist Tigabie Tesfaye
Volume 4, Issue 4, December 2019
12 July 2019
4 August 2019
30 December 2019
Abstract: Malnutrition is defined as deficiencies, excesses or imbalances in a person’s intake of energy and/or nutrients. Malnutrition among children under five years of age is a chronic problem in most regions of Ethiopia, including the Tigray region. The main objective of this study is to assess the prevalence of under-five child malnutritions and the risk factors attributed to nutritional status of children in Tigray region based on Ethiopian Demographic Health Survey, 2016 datasets. The information collected from 370 children was considered in the study, and variables like maternal socio and demographic characteristics, child demographic characteristics, health and environmental factors were considered as determinants of nutritional status of a child. The study used descriptive statistics and Multivariate multiple linear regression models to identify significant correlates of perinatal mortality. Factor analysis based on principal component analysis was done to reduce the data and components with Eigen value of more than one were considered for further investigation. The descriptive statistics in the study reveals that out of a total of 370 children included in the study 25.4% are underweighted, 30.8% are stunted and 17.3% are wasted. Accordingly of total children malnourished 5.9% are severely underweighted while 19.5% are moderately underweighted, about 12.7% are severely stunted and 18.1% moderately stunted and 6.5% are severely wasted and 10.8% are moderate wasted respectively. From Multivariate multiple linear regressions, breast feeding factors, socioeconomic status of households, health status of child, having medical treatments during pregnancy and child vaccination status have significant impacts on nutritional status of the under five children. The factors duration of breast feeding, number of household members, living children, birth order of a child, current age of child, place of residence, sanitation services like drinking water and availability of toilet, mother educational level and father education level, age of mother, economic level of household, receiving measles, polio and vitamin A in the last six months, and child health status indicators like having diarrhea recently, having fever and cough in the last two months had statistically significant effect on child malnutrition.
Abstract: Malnutrition is defined as deficiencies, excesses or imbalances in a person’s intake of energy and/or nutrients. Malnutrition among children under five years of age is a chronic problem in most regions of Ethiopia, including the Tigray region. The main objective of this study is to assess the prevalence of under-five child malnutritions and the ris...
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Optimization of Parking Lot in the Forms of Parallelogram and Right Triangle for Cars and Motorbikes
Widiawati Putri,
Ihda Hasbiyati,
Moh Danil Hendry Gamal
Volume 4, Issue 4, December 2019
21 November 2019
18 December 2019
30 December 2019
Abstract: Parking lots are elements that affect the transportation system. Placement of the wrong parking lot, such as on a roadside, causes congestion. One way to overcome this is to provide safe and efficient parking. This article discusses the optimization of parking lots in the form of parallelograms and right triangles for cars and motorbikes. The shape of the parallelogram land is formed in two ways namely directly and separately, the landform separately consists of the form of two right triangles and rectangles. The initial step in this discussion is to make a design on the parking lot and assumptions that correspond to the shape of the land. The design of parking lots in this article consists of three designs, namely land in the form of parallelograms, right triangles and rectangles. Furthermore, a mathematical model was built for each land design. The method used for the calculation of mathematical models for each design is the linear programming method and is calculated using LINGO software. The results obtained are the optimum number of car and motorbikes vehicles for each land design. In this article, the optimal results for car vehicles with land in the form of parallelograms formed directly are 1110 vehicles, furthermore the form of parallelograms formed separately are 1295 vehicles. These results indicate that the two forms are more optimal than the separated forms. Then, for the form of a right triangle gives optimal results 491 car vehicles. The next vehicle is a motorbikes, the optimal result for motorbikes with land in the form of a parallelogram that is formed directly is 11969 vehicles, then the shape of the parallelogram is formed separately there are 15440 vehicles. Then, to form a right triangle give optimal results 6163 motorbikes vehicles.
Abstract: Parking lots are elements that affect the transportation system. Placement of the wrong parking lot, such as on a roadside, causes congestion. One way to overcome this is to provide safe and efficient parking. This article discusses the optimization of parking lots in the form of parallelograms and right triangles for cars and motorbikes. The shape...
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